Saturday, February 16, 2008

What is it about Bacon?

 I think there are many people out there who will agree that bacon is one ingredient for which there is no substitute. Think about all of the things that feature bacon, then imagine how they would taste without it. Have you ever craved a Lettuce and Tomato sandwich for 2 weeks? How 'bout a Spinach Salad without Bacon. A club sandwich? Is there a better breakfast than Bacon and Eggs? You get the point.
 It's crisp, smoky, sweet, salty and chewy all at the same time. Nothing else on earth can beat it. I have cooked with ham, prosciutto,  pancetta and bacon, I think they all play an important role in cooking. But bacon is king. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I agree. But the best bacon of all is bacon that has been cooked slowly on a griddle, until the fat is rendered out, and the bacon is just a little crispy but melts in your mouth when you bite it, like a chocolate chip cookie.